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How Kingsnorth Neuro Physiotherapy handle patients personal data 

At Kingsnorth Neuro Physiotherapy, we take patient trust and privacy very seriously, and treat the care of our patients' confidentiality with the same level of commitment as their health. Please see below for our full practice privacy statement. 
Contact details: Dns House 382 Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex, United Kingdom, HA3 8DP/ Phone number: 01233 273699 / Email address: info@kingsnorthneurophysiotherapy.co.uk / Please contact info@kingsnorthneurophysiotherapy.co.uk for data protection matters. 
Our commitment towards information governance 
Kingsnorth neuro physiotherapy is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998. This statement confirms Kingsnorth neuro physiotherapy commitment to protect your privacy and to process your personal information in a manner which meets the requirements of the Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in force since May 2018. Data protection is very important to us and we take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with our regulatory and statutory obligations. The Principal staffs of therapy have overall responsibility for this statement. 
What type of information we have 
The information we collect may include: 
Name, address, date of birth 
Personal contact information 
Disability, ethnicity, gender 
Occupation and hobbies 
Contact information for any medical professionals including your GP or other health and social care professionals 
Information relevant to: 
Your health and any medical condition 
Treatment that you are receiving, or is recommended by us or another medical professional; Your personal circumstances which are divulged to us by you or a third party (such as a relative or a carer) 
Who is collecting information and why do we collect. 
Information is collected by Kingsnorth Neuro Physiotherapy therapists and administration staff. Therapists are regulated by regulatory body called HCPC and it is a professional requirement that we keep accurate and current clinical records of your physiotherapy assessment and treatment and that means we need to collect and retain any personal health information. We also need your personal data for appropriate identification so we can contact you about your appointments. 
How we get the information and how we store your information 
Information is collected in a variety of ways: 
Via written information provided to us from our contact page on our website 
Via telephone 
Via Video consultation 
Via written communications for example, letters and emails 
Via conversations between you and your therapist. 
Kingsnorth Neuro Physiotherapy UK LTD uses an electronic practice management system for storage of both personal and clinical records. This system conforms to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations 25th May 2018). This system confirms its GDPR compliance on https://www.wellola.com/features. Further information on the data compliance of the system we use can be found here: https://www.wellola.com/privacy. 
We will ask for your permission to keep your information on our practice management system at your first appointment. 
How will information be used? 
Kingsnorth Neuro Physiotherapy may use this information for the following reasons: 
To carry out our primary function of providing therapy assessment and treatment, advice and education. 
Complaints and dispute handling 
To improve our services 
Staff administration 
To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations 
We may contact you regarding therapy groups or classes we are setting up if we think they may be of interest to you both during and after your therapy sessions with us. 
Who will it be shared with? 
Sometimes it may be helpful to share data with other care professionals outside of Kingsnorth Neuro-physiotherapy. This is likely to include information about your therapy assessment and any progress reports that you need. These are usually requested by you, the patient, but sometimes we will suggest this to you if we think it will be helpful, for example if you have an appointment with another healthcare professional and the information might help the consultation. We will only share your personal and clinical information with others with your permission. We will speak to you first and explain what data we would like to share and with whom and for what purpose. You have the right to decline to share your information. We will not sell, pass on or lease your personal data to third parties. 
How long will we keep your data? 
Your personal details will be stored as long as is required to render the service you have requested, as long as no contrary legal requirements exist. Health records are required to be kept for 8 years after treatment finishes. 
Your rights to access your personal information (subject access request) 
You are entitled to ask for a copy of the information that we hold about you for which we will charge a £15 fee. You can request to have any inaccuracies in your information corrected. This is called a ‘subject access request’. If you wish to see a copy of your records please write to us at the address given below and state: 
Your full name and address and contact telephone number 
Details of the specific information you require and any relevant dates 
The Data Controller, Kingsnorth Neuro Physiotherapy, 9 Westfield gardens, Borden, Kent, ME9 7PW 
Complaints about how we process your personal information 
In the first instance, an individual should contact Kingsnorth Neuro Physiotherapy UK LTD via email info@kingsnorthneurophysiotherapy.co.uk or write to Kingsnorth Neuro Physiotherapy, 9 Westfield gardens, Borden, Kent, ME9 7PW